There Are a lot of factors that have to be considered when a person thinks about different procedures that can be adopted to give appropriate care to a
custom wall tapestry for a longer lifetime. The importance of proper maintenance and timely cleanup of tapestries because of its appearance and durability is well established. Some of the variables that need your account in this respect are discussed below.
Hang it Properly
If one Will hang the tapestry correctly, its weight will be equally dispersed. Velcro(r) and rod-in-pocket techniques are recommended by experts within this field.Hanging considerations:
Some tapestries are provided with pocket pre-sewn pole and backing fabric.
Tapestry companies can incorporate rod pockets, velcro the tapestry.
You can also sew yourself, if necessary.
Ensure proper materials are used. Never use sticky velcro since the adhesive can harm the tapestry.
In humid climates tapestries need to be hung little away from walls.
Never cut corners especially when you are dealing with old fragile or valuable tapestries. Only natural threads such as cotton shall be allowed to touch the tapestry.
Consult with a textile conservator who'll be available in a college or a art gallery for assessing how to take care of the problems of your tapestry.
Clean the tapestry regularly
Cleaning Your own tapestry thoroughly and regularly is another significant thing one must do for preserving its attractiveness and for a very long life. In dusty places and if you have pets weekly vacuum cleaning is necessary.
Consult The manufacturer
Should you Feel you have made the tapestry dirty without timely cleaning do not be afraid to inform the producer and get his aid in making it seem appealing and refurbished. As even plain water may harm specific tapestries consultation with a textile conservator cannot be dismissed.